Monday, October 26, 2009

It's that Time of the Year...

Normally, our doctor is relaxed about flu shots, doesn't really push them, as he feels they are more useful to the extreme cases rather than the average-joe-kids. Due to the current cold/flu season already kicking in and the concerns of H1N1, I spoke to the Dr to get their thoughts on whether or not we should get Alexander a flu shot this year. We have not given him flu shots in the past. The office said they were very supportive of parents who wanted to get the flu shots for their kids, especially with kids who have breathing/asthmatic issues. Since Alexander fell into that category, they strongly suggested we get it done for him.

So this afternoon, I took Alexander to get his flu shot with Dr. M. I picked Alexander up from school and explained that we could go to Target to get a book but I first had to stop at the doctor's office. He immediately knew. He got all upset and said he didn't want to stop at the office just go to Target. Once I pulled into the parking lot, he was sobbing & couldn't see out his eyes. I was hoping because we were on time that the wait wouldn't be bad but unfortunately Dr. M was in with someone. We ended up waiting for 20 LONG minutes, all of which Alexander was terribly upset & wanted to leave.

As soon as Dr. M came out to get us, Alexander freaked out. He hated going into his room and wouldn't let me sit down at first. He also fought me trying to get his pants off so much so that Dr. M had to help. Thankfully the shot itself was super quick and as soon as the bandaid was about to go on, Alexander was all smiles. He let him put on the bandaid, pull up his pants, and then he slid off my lap and said: "Okay, Dr, thank you have a nice day" just as if nothing happened. It was almost hysterical.

We were walking out and Lee just laughed at me and how quickly he rebounds! Unfortunately the flu shot is a two-parter so we'll have to go back in a month to finish. Hopefully next time there will be less waiting!

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