Monday, September 29, 2008

Photo Recap...

Picture Recap (Monday, September 22nd - Sunday, September 28th, 2008)

Photo Recap...

Picture Recap (Monday, September 22nd - Sunday, September 28th, 2008)

Weekly Glance...

Weekly Glance (Monday, September 22nd - Sunday, September 28th, 2008)

  • Hit the 18 Month Mark
  • Didn't want to pose for his 18 Month Glove photoshoot
  • Had a good week at school despite having meltdowns/tantrums at home
  • Woke up early ALL WEEK
  • Actually woke up twice this week during the night around 1am
  • Started eating apples and actually EATING them and turns out he likes them so now he points to the table and asks for "apple"
  • New words this week: purple, heart, ball, knee, pig & cup
  • Loves making his fish-face, sometimes without being asked
  • Has decided he doesn't want to sit in his chair anymore unless he's able to eat at the table without his tray
  • Asks for his flash cards and will look at your mouth as you pronounce the words, he's started to copy the sound 'P' 'Ne'
  • Points to his crayons and will actually color in his coloring book
  • Daddy & Alexander had a guys night on Friday as Mommy started her own New Kids tour
  • Woke up at 4:30am on Saturday (SATURDAY!)
  • Didn't nap all that well on Saturday
  • Went out with Daddy, Matt & cousin Michael for a little bit
  • Played with Mommy in afternoon and was in a great mood as long as it was just 1:1
  • Hung out with Daddy on Sunday afternoon as Mommy went to see New Kids (#2)
  • Daddy & Alexander went to go visit Matt & Laura
  • Played well with cousin Michael which was good as he was a bit territorial over his toys on Saturday when Michael was here
  • Did very well with Daddy Sunday afternoon & at bedtime

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog update...

FYI: Monday's weekly post may be a bit later than usual.

Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another First...

For the first time ever, Alexander brought me a diaper, the box of wipes, and his changing mat from his diaper bag. He set it all down and then just stood in front of me. I asked him if he needed his diaper changed, he said Yes and then sat down.

And sure enough he was right!

This was a pretty big thing as about 80% of the time it's a struggle to change his diaper and the fact that he knew it needed to be changed and he was okay with it was a miracle!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

New Words...

Alexander had a few new words this week: purple, heart, ball & knee

Monday, September 22, 2008

18 Month Photoshoot...

Alexander has been a bit tempermental lately. Most times he has his meltdowns when he's with me and just likes to scream & flail about. We knew going into this mini-photoshoot that it probably wouldn't go well as he was already starting to crash. But we figured we'd try it anyway...
Well, as you can tell from the pictures, the poor guy wanted nothing to do with this and we didn't really push it further...

18 Months...

18 Months...

-Meltdowns are continuing
-Gives great kisses & hugs
-Has 2 bottom teeth & 2 top tooth
-He takes direction very well, excellent at putting things away
-Eating with utensils
-He is great with stairs and is getting even better at going down them by walking (holding hands)
-Very good with brushing his teeth before bed and can tell if you're tried to trick him with no toothpaste
-Loves to put things in 'hiding' spots
-Uncanny ability to throw things
-Loves playing in the water
-Waves Hi & Bye
-Still a huge flirt
-Loves dogs & birds
-Knows exactly what I'm asking for when I say "go get your dinosaur book" or what his other books are
-He knows all of his body parts
-He screams, loudly, when he's excited
-Puts his hands up for "touchdown" or how big are you
-When we ask him to turn himself or something around he mimics my finger of spinning in a circle
-Loves to lick (people, food, things)

Ahh Daa (is his word for Please and potentially thank you)
JoJo (His teacher's name is MaryJo)
Aiden (aah-den)
Quack Quack
woof woof
All done
All gone
baaaa (sheep noise)
New ones:
uh oh

'ruck (I think this is truck)
hot dog

Animal Noises:
He knows what sounds the lion, cow, sheep, dog, duck, frog, elephant, & cat make.

Sleeping (hasn't changed except he's on a pattern of waking up on the early side):
-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day, even on weekends
-Takes one nap in the afternoon, usually 2 hrs
-At home on the weekends, most times he takes his 2 hr nap in the late morning
-Asleep by 7:30pm each night (on average)

-12 Months and moving into 12-18 Months (Gap/Old Navy)
-18 Months pants are HUGE (length & waist) yet 18 Month shirts isn't that large (but wouldn't it figure that 12 month pants are too short and sometimes too tight in the tummy)
-Shoes: Size 3 or 4 depending on the shoe
-Diapers: moving into Pampers Size 4 Cruisers

Feeding (Really hasn't changed that much in a month):
-He drinks mainly milk or sometimes water from sippy cups
-Three meals a day: (typical menu for school)
--Breakfast: pancake, waffle, cereal bar or muffin with his sippy cup
--AM Snack: Cheerios & fruit (bananas or strawberries) or graham crackers
--Lunch: Grilled Cheese or Hot dog & cheese, applesauce and milk in sippy cup
--PM Snack: snack bar, fruit, graham crackers, or yogurt
--Dinner: the staples are: PB&J, Hot Dogs, Grilled Cheese, cheese pizza, egg but he will eat veggies & fruit in the Gerber containers (he loves to feed himself)
-- Does not like food with texture
--Loves to get out the bread from the fridge so he can have a slice

Being outside, water, taking baths, Bubbles, going down slides, Singing ABCs, reading books, pushing his truck, playing blocks, saying Hi to the vaccum, being chased by Daddy, showing off that he knows his body parts, medicine, sweeping

textured food, apparently Dr. M (poor guy)

Photo Recap...

Picture Recap (Monday, September 15th - Sunday, September 21st)

Photo Recap...

Picture Recap (Monday, September 15th - Sunday, September 21st)

(he was not blinking here ... this is an actual look he'll give us when he thinks we're being ridiculous)
He was waving at himself in his reflection in the car...

Weekly Glance...

Weekly Glance (Monday, September 15th - Sunday, September 21st)

  • Overall had a good week at school
  • Woke up around 5a-5:15am every day this week
  • Bedtime was usually around 7:30pm with a few minor meltdowns where he didn't want to take a bath
  • Grampie was over Monday night (working on the computer) and Alexander couldn't get enough of him
  • Went to vote with Mommy Tuesday night
  • Had several meltdowns this week (another post topic)
  • Loves to lick things now - thankfully most of it is food
  • Grammie & Grampie babysat Friday night so Mommy & Daddy could have a date night
  • Played outside with Grammie & Grampie in his new wagon...loves getting in & out and then pushing it across the yard
  • Had his 18 Month Dr. Appt (didn't go all that well, post below)
  • Alexander did NOT want to be in the same room as Dr. M
  • Went to the Mall on Saturday with Mommy after Dr Appt to get out of house and keep him occupied (We were there for 3 hours and we left there sad!)
  • Went to Davis Mega Maze & Apple Picking with Grammie, Grampie, Gary, Sharon & the kids on Sunday
  • Has a few new words but we'll save that for the 18 Month post

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pictures are back!!!...

Because my Dad is absolutely fantastic - I have a computer again! And not only that - it's so much better than the old one. Dad ROCKS the house!

I have made sure to finally upload all of the pictures I've taken in September (yup, I'm that far back) today and I am now ready to post them for all of you who have been so patient.

Not only that - because I have a computer that is much faster, hopefully I'll be able to get all my posts in that I haven't been able to do. So hopefully Monday will be full of reading & viewing for you.

**Note: You may have to scroll back because I'm going to put them on the normal date I would post them so they don't get lost and I don't get confused as to what I still have to post!

New England Fall Fun...

Today Alexander & I went Davis Farm again. This time we went to the Mega Maze & Apple Picking...some good ole fashion New England Fall good times! We went with Grammie, Grampie, Gary, Sharon & the kids. The kids were great with Alexander, Claire especially wanting to hold his hand and make sure he was okay. The weather was great, if not a bit warm because we weren't dressed for it to be *that* nice out.

We started with the Maze to try to beat the crowds. I had Alexander in the stroller and that made the Maze a bit challenging with the bridges, so finally I took him out and we took turns holding him or dragging the stroller. Grammie, Grampie, Alexander & I only made it half way. It was getting too hot and close to lunch so we left through the "emergency exit". We went to have some lunch and wait for Gary, Sharon & the kids before we went over for apple picking.

They were doing Helicopter Rides and it was pretty cool to be THAT close to them - Alexander loved watching them take off, fly over & land! They finished up and the kids played a bit with Alexander and we took silly pictures of our "victory". Then we headed over to the orchards (right across the parking lot from the Petting Zoo/Splash Zone).

It was a bit hard for Alexander to walk due to the long grass and all of the apples on the ground but he had fun with Claire. He was picking apples and putting them in the bag. Then as I was picking one from the tree, he picked one from a branch and ate it on his own. It was VERY cute. I took a bite of it so he could eat the good stuff...he wasn't all that keen on biting it but he loved the taste and to suck on it. He also wanted to lick I would take a new bite and then he would lick that section.

Overall a very nice day!

And probably my favorite picture of the entire day: