Saturday, September 20, 2008

18 Month Dr Appointment...

Alexander had his 18 Month Dr appointment today. Meltdown. That's the best word to describe it. It was only Alexander & Drew (Kate left the group/practice and we don't know where Lucas was) so it should have been pretty easy & lowkey.

At first, Alexander & Drew were playing just fine and sometimes with each other. Lee came in to get things started and we were filling her in with updates. Dr. M joined us shortly after. And then things changed. Alexander panicked. He started to cry and it quickly escalated to silent screams of hysteria. Both Dan & I tried to calm him down and although he wanted both of us to hold him, he was not able to calm down. Dan took him out of the room and he calmed down. After a bit, Dan brought him back in but Dr. M was not there so Alexander was fine. But Dr. M was just going out to get his scale & other tools. As soon as Dr. M walked back in the room, Alexander ran over, clung to my body and started to cry again. Poor little guy probably thought he was getting more shots.

And I've noticed that when Alexander is excited (happy, sad, upset, etc) and I'm holding him, he'll pinch me quite hard! I have the bruises to prove it.

Because they weren't getting shots, this was going to be quick especially with just two of them. Dr. M went over to Drew to check him out & weigh him. Drew was pretty good except for a little fuss at the scale part. This whole time Alexander is FREAKING out. We're talking meltdown to the Nth degree.

Dr. M comes over and asks me to hold him as best as I can. He checks his ears, chest, and measures his head. He checks his stomach and abdomen and said everything looks good. Alexander does have a slight cold (sniffles/congestion) but there's nothing in his chest and his ears look fine. Then it's time to weigh him. Yeah... Alexander was having no part of that! We tried and tried and tried. Nothing. The best weight we could get was 23lbs but that's what he was at his 15 Month appt (22 lbs 15 oz) so we're not going by that. Maybe sometime this week, I'll call Lee to see if I can pop in after work when Dr M has a patient so Alexander won't see him and try to weigh him that way.

Overall - an interesting experience but a major meltdown for the books!

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