Sunday, September 21, 2008


This week, Alexander has been on a meltdown kick. The slightest things can set him off. One minute he's all excited to have pancakes & sit in his chair for breakfast. Then you try to snap him in and he flops all around.

Sometimes the meltdowns are small and easy to let pass, but other times he'll just kick, scream, cry for a good 20 minutes. He doesn't want to be held, but he doesn't want you to leave him alone either. So I end up sitting on the floor next to him so he can come over and flop on me if he so desires. Sometimes he needs to get it out of his system on the floor and then he'll come sit on my lap and cuddle for a bit and then cry some more.

We mentioned the meltdowns at the Dr appt yesterday and they both told us that the best thing to do is to let them get it out of their system. Let them cry, scream & fuss just make sure they're in a safe place where they're not going to hurt themselves. And to just sit next to them on their level telling them it's okay until the meltdown has passed. And thankfully, that's exactly what I have been doing.

Today he had two meltdowns all before 9am...Guess the terrible Twos & Threes came to our house early.

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