Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rough Night...

Wednesday night we had Alexander's last MMR shot..I was a bit nervous since last time he was horrified and this time we didn't have a pacifier. Plus, a little boy just after a shot, in rush hour traffic with no pacifier does not a good time make.

He was actually okay at the doctor's office. He was trying to give Dr. M his fishy and waving. But as soon as Dr. M rubbed the alcohol swap, Alexander freaked out. His whole body turned into a giant 2x4 with flailing arms. The shot was super quick and after a brief moment or two of cuddling, Alexander fine. By the time we reached the receptionist desk, he was happy & waving.

The drive home was better than anticipated until we got 20 minutes out. Then he started to cry, scream & turn to hysterics. He was crying harder & harder. As I got off the exit, I thought to myself "wow, we're pretty lucky that he's never made himself sick with his crying". Well I jinxed it because when we were on our road, he was crying so hard that he got sick. Poor little guy threw up all over himself. It was something right out of the Exorcist!

I pulled in the driveway and tried to clean him up as much as I could in the car. We got inside but not easily as he was crying, screaming, & kicking. I got his clothes off and started the tub. I tried to give him water, let him walk, hold him - but nothing made him happy or calm down. He was probably crying for another 20 minutes once we got home. We were sitting on the tub and he was crying yet snuggling into me. As soon as I filled the tub, he calmed down and started to fall asleep. WHAT? After 40 minutes - he just falls asleep? Odd.

I sat on the tub for a bit then moved to the couch where he kept sleeping. Tried to bring him upstairs and he wanted no part of that. As soon as I came back down he fell asleep again. He slept on my lap for about 20 minutes and then woke up as if nothing happened. We played with his blocks, took a bath, read some books and then went to bed as if it was a normal evening.


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