Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend Activities...

For a weekend that had no major plans, it was a pretty busy weekend!

Started with gymnastics where he got to bring a buddy; he chose to bring his stuffed dog. They got to pretend to be prince or princesses and awake Sleeping Beauty while practicing on the bar and the spring board.
After gymnastics, we had some lunch at home before we headed over to Chris & Chris' house for a little visit. Alexander had not met Bennett yet so we figured it would be a nice yet low-key visit. At first, Alexander was a bit shy around Bennett and really didn't know what to make of him. I find it amusing that he thought Bennett was loud (when coughing or a bit fussy) considering how loud Alexander is himself. We played a few games of Candy Land, while Bennett took a little nap in his bouncy seat, in which Alexander did quite well. We then played Memory which Alexander simply wanted to turn over cards until he got a match & not really understanding you can only turn over two at a time. It was at this point in the afternoon, that I began to lose him due to his crankiness. So we headed home where we just chilled out at home before dinner.

Sunday was a fairly quiet day. We relaxed in the morning, Alexander didn't wake up until 7a, and we all slept/relaxed in bed for a bit after that. That afternoon, Mommy ran some errands while Daddy & Alexander went to play indoor mini-golf with uncle Matt & Michael.
The boys came back to the house after mini-golf to play for a bit before they decided to go back out and do some sledding. Yes, we got about another 4-5" overnight and the boys still had some energy to burn. Then it was normal Sunday night - dinner, tubby, bedtime!

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