Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend Activities...

Weekend Activities...

 Saturday morning, Alexander & Mommy hung out, then got ready for soccer.  Daddy, Mommy & Alexander headed to soccer for the "semi-private" class as only one other boy showed up besides Alexander this week.  The boys had fun and both have athletic ability.  We just have to work on getting Alexander to listen a bit and not being so silly and start to focus on what he's learning.

After soccer, Mommy & Alexander went out to lunch and then ran some errands.  One of our important errands was to pick out a birthday present for William.  William is a school friend and was having a party that afternoon.   Before the party, we went to the playground for a bit and then went to the party.

He had fun at the party - he got to play with William, Grace, Veronica & DJ.  He also got to see Jacob & Julia as we haven't seen them in a few months.  William also has a little doggie so we got more practice in with getting comfortable with dogs.  He started out really anxious but wasn't as bad when we were leaving.

Once we got home, Daddy & Alexander went over to the new football field across the street to ride his bike a bit.  Then it was home for dinner & bedtime as he was exhausted!

After waking up at 5am and Mommy working with him to stay in his room until 'morning time', he finally decided to get up for the day around 5:45am and then decided to play with his cars in his room for a bit. 

Sunday morning was a low-key morning with Daddy.  Then the gents got ready to hang out with uncle Matt & Michael for the afternoon.  The plan was to go to uncle Matt's for lunch, go to the zoo for a few hours and then head back to uncle Matt's to watch the Patriots game.

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