Saturday, January 5, 2008

9 Month Doctor Visit...

Alexander had his 9-Month Doctor appointment today. There were no shots at this appointment so it was going to be quicker & easier. It was also quicker because there were only 3 babies instead of 4. One of the babies had a family engagement that could not be rescheduled, but thankfully they didn't drop out of the group. We'll see them again at their year appointment. The other two moms were happy to hear, as I was, that they didn't drop out because we liked them all.

We covered the vitals, eating, sleeping, development & any concerns. Each baby seemed to really be doing quite well. They were all sleeping pretty regularly, eating well and all were developing nicely. It was cute to see them interact, yell, and scream with each other, and they would jabber on when another would make noise.

Dr. M & his wife were quite happy at their progress and how they're developing. They were observing how their motor skills, interaction & stranger anxiety all played out. Alexander & the little girl did very well and the other baby was only slightly concerned but as long as he was able to see his Mom, he seemed ok.

Alexander loves Dr. M. I don't know if it's his deep voice or his mustache, but he just looks & stares intently when Dr. M talks. Especially if Dr. M is examining Alexander, he just looks up at him. It's quite cute. Alexander did well but of course the kid wouldn't wheeze so Dr. M could hear. We brought that up as our concern that he still wheezes daily. Dr. M's philosophy is that if it's not altering his life or making him unhappy or unable to function they why mess with it. Since there's no fluids in his lungs, he would much rather see how it plays out then put the kid on medication or treatments. Although I completely understand his logic, I just wish I knew why he was wheezey and why it's worse sometimes but not others.

Overall, it was a quick visit with a clean bill of health. Here are the vital stats from his Dr. Appt:
Weight: 18 lbs 14 oz; Length: 28"; Head: 43.2 cm

(Although our Doctor doesn't believe in telling us percentiles, I looked up his info just to get an idea... Length = between percentile 25 and 50 & Weight = between percentile 10 and 25)

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