Sunday, February 28, 2010

The (almost) Sleep-Over...

This weekend, Mommy & Daddy had originally planned to have a date night so that means Alexander was going to have a sleep-over at Mimi & Papi's.

We headed over to Mimi & Papi's late Saturday morning and we hung out for a bit, had some lunch, rode his bike. Then it was time to go to Imagination Island with Mimi & Papi to play for a bit as well as a check out a new place. Alexander had a great time playing at Imagination Island - he had a blast with the bouncy house and even stood his ground against an older boy who was bouncing on Alexander on purpose.

After Imagination Island, Mimi Papi & Alexander all went out for some ice cream. Then headed back home for dinner & bedtime. However around 11pm, he woke up screaming & crying uncontrollably for quite some time. He cried his ears hurt. Mimi & Mommy spoke to come up with a plan...Mommy suggested cuddling on the couch to see if he'd fall back to sleep but that didn't work. Finally, knowing that Alexander was just plain miserable and would NOT go to sleep...Mimi & Auntie Alyson drove Alexander home (Mommy had taken some nyquil and was in no shape to drive). They got here home about 2:45am at which time Alexander cuddled on Mommy's shoulder and just said "I want to cuddle".

Bringing him upstairs to get settled in our bed was the quickest way to get him back to sleep...however the poor kid could not get comfortable. He tossed & turned for a good 30 minutes. Thankfully he fell asleep but it was a very long night for everyone!

He woke up this morning FINE. It was beyond weird how fine he earache, no tummy ache, no fever. Daddy wonders if he fell asleep on his head wrong and somehow got pins & needles in his ear which then made his ear hurt.

Thankfully though, everyone (including Mimi & Auntie) was able to sleep during the day...and Alexander finally had a nap at home during the weekend.

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