Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's Official...

Alexander will be our soccer star!

We signed him up for a soccer league this fall - his first official team sport! He'll play every Saturday for the entire fall; the league starts in September and goes through December which is pretty cool it lasts that long.

The best part is that both Aidan & Connor will be in the same session so he'll get to play soccer with them. Maybe it will help the three of them learn when they should and shouldn't run.

I love the description of the class format:

Our class format is developed to give our budding soccer stars a familiar framework in which they can excel from class to class. Our classes begin with a welcome, incorporating a song for the younger age groups (ages 2 – 5) and a cheer for the older ages (Kindergarten and up). The classes then kick off with stimulating warm-up games followed by a muscle-warming stretch to get everyone ready for action. The bulk of each class focuses on skill-building activities and games. Individual, partner, and group activities are introduced in a non-competitive environment to optimize the experience for each child. Every session culminates in a scrimmage game (adapted variations for younger age groups) to familiarize each child with the structure of a game setting, while always encouraging our young kickers with positive reinforcement.

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