Sunday, May 22, 2011


Here's a little update on our little tyke as we're pretty much into the thick of things with a 4 year old who has a busy schedule!

He's already had 4 birthday parties in the past 2 months with two more in the next month! Plus, there is gymnastics, requested playdates and then there will be swim class before we know it!

His sleeping and bedtime has definitely gotten better, despite the fact that he still naps every day at school. We've stopped pushing the "lights out" each night and we wait for him to tell us when he's ready for lights out which was reduced the fighting/arguing. We still have some arguing over brushing teeth but we have to have patience that it's just because that's when he starts to hit his wall for the day. The past week, despite a few potty incidents, he had a great bedtime & sleeping routine. He slept in his bed all night each day and slept to around 6am every day. That's a big thing!

We're also having less fighting in the morning when we're trying to leave the house. I'm trying to turn everything into a game to keep him engaged in wanting to do things. And while the fighting is getting better, the listening is not. We have to ask him SEVERAL times to do anything. And while I know he hears what we ask, he simply doesn't want to and we have to keep asking. Most times when he starts to stretch or say that he has to tell you something, you know he is stalling because he's admitted a few times he has nothing to tell. The latest practice is to ask him to do something and we will ask him two more times and if we have to ask him one more time then we'll tell him we'll start to count to three and if we have to count then he'll get a timeout for not listening.

Alexander has also been behaving better at school however some pushing among the boys. Also, apparently Alexander, Connor and few other boys may also pick on another friend by having him chase them and then they run from him and not let him play with him. They also push another little friend because he's smaller. We've had to have serious conversations with him to let him know that it is never okay to pick on another person at school even if you don't like them. If you don't like them, you stay away from them. If they pick on you then he should tell them 'no thank you' and tell a teacher and that he should never let anyone pick on him. Miss Cassie has started to break the class up into Groups (mainly to break up the boys) and it is working well for Alexander. So hopefully this pushing is just a phase that he'll grow out of soon....

Overall, Alexander is your typical happy go lucky little 4 year old who just loves to play and gets excited over the cutest little things.

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