Friday, March 23, 2012


Alexander managed to get through the first five years with minor incidents. He had the croup a couple times and did get a cast but that's about it. He's never had an ear ache or ear infection. That is until he turned five. He woke up, crying, the night of his birthday complaining of a sore throat and that his ear hurt.

He did have a little cold during the earlier part of the week (cough/sniffles) so that turned into a bit more. We stayed home today to rest as he wasn't feeling well and both ears ended up hurting. I called the doctors and they agreed it was good for us to go get checked out.

We met with Dr. D and she examined Alexander's ears & throat. He does have a minor ear infection in both ears. She said it was extremely small infection as there wasn't a lot of fluid but certainly would cause pain/discomfort.

Alexander & Mommy headed home to rest for the afternoon. We picked up his medicine and went home to cuddle & watch a movie. He did get a low-grade fever in the afternoon but once he took his grape medicine, he was starting to feel a bit better and fell asleep quickly tonight.

Here's hoping it passes quickly for the little guy.

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