Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend Activities

Another busy yet good weekend

Saturday morning woke up at Mimi & Papi's where he slept til 7:30am!
Then headed to gymnastics with Mimi where he did such a great job that two teachers commented, after class, at how well he is doing.  After gymnastics, Mommy & Alexander went shopping for crazy socks & pjs for Dr, Suess week. We then went out to lunch where he got lots of cheese topping his lunch choice. 

Once we got home, Alexander could barely contain his excitement for Miss Cassie to come over in the afternoon. We both promised him that if he had a really good week at school, she would come over and watch him for a few hours...and this was the week. She came over and they played for a few hours. He picked superheros, football and ultimately Wii where he beat her in everything they played. I brought pizza home and Miss Cassie stayed for dinner.

On Sunday, Mommy & Alexander went Bowling with Sharon, Chris & Claire. It was the first time Alexander had ever gone bowling and he did pretty good. Only had a couple gutter balls (despite the bumpers being up) but everyone had fun. And back at their house, he even got used to having Tessie (the dog) sit next to him on the couch!

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