Saturday, November 15, 2008

Color Week...

This upcoming week is "Color Week" at school to help the kids learn their colors. Seeing how I'm a 'color' person and relate everything to colors, this is perfect. I wouldn't necessarily have picked the specific order of colors for each day, but it's not my color week.

School has asked if each child would be able to be dressed in the color of the day to help with the color-theme. Each day they will do different things in association to the color-of-the-day. They have different craft projects, books, etc. These are the colors we have for the week:

Monday = Purple
Tuesday = Red
Wednesday = Green
Thursday = Yellow
Friday = Orange

I think overall it will be cute & good for the kids. I'll do what I can to get daily recap/pics of his color-outfit, etc. But let me just say I'm sorry in advance. When we all look back at his Monday/Purple outfit years from now and wonder "what the bloody heck did she dress him in?"...we'll have to remember it was color week.

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