Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today we took Alexander to get his professional Christmas photos taken. However despite the great nap and the good mood going in he wanted NOTHING to do with it. He didn't want to pose, he didn't want to sit there, he didn't want to let go of me or Grammie.

Warning: venting for a moment. The girl who was taking his pictures was inpatient and not that helpful. I believe she thinks that because a feather duster works for some kids that it will work for all kids. If my kid winces and looks away, odds are he doesn't find that favorable. Also, even if you "think" that it is not a professional pose, if the child is smiling & happy you may want to take a picture. She was so disinterested and some times not even paying attention. It brings me back to my thought of if you are going to work with little kids (hair cuts, photographers, Santas), then you should know going in that you need to be patient and sometimes creative. Don't give attitude...

And it stinks because he looked so INCREDIBLY handsome/cute/adorable and the pictures would have been fantastic...(just a sneak peak at his outfit)

1 comment:

Surprise Baby's Mommy said...

such a bummer about the photos! i agree we have gotten some santas helpers that were like that around here and it makes you wonder why they do that! too bad you didnt live closer I would have done them for you ;) very cute outfit :)