Thursday, January 22, 2009

22 Months...

22 Months

New Words/Phrases:
-Mickey, Work, Buddy, Debbie, Boo, Psst, Bus, Toor, Ouch/Grouch, Nanas, Noodle, Minnie, Poof, Milk, Ernie, Bert, Bed, Giraffe, Burp, Michael, Cook, Egg, Money, Bob, Toot, Boat, Boom, Go Now

-Learning how to turn on/play the DVD (not intentional!)
-2 bottom molars coming in
-Does very well with utensils
-Knows #1 and #5
-Walking up/down stairs holding on with one hand

-Anything to do with Elmo
-Reading Books (Dr. Suess, Truck, Elmo & Easter books are the favorite)
-Playing with flash cards
-Loves singing (itsy bitsy spider, wheels on the bus, ABCs)
-Cleaning (wiping the floor, sweeping, vacuums)

dada, mama, Ahh Daa (is his word for Please), up, apple, turtle, JoJo (His teacher's name is MaryJo), Aiden (aah-den), Hi, Moo, Quack Quack, woof woof, Yah, Bye, All, done, All gone, baaaa (sheep noise), No, uhoh, baabaa, 'ruck (I think this is truck), Hat, Hot, hot dog, elbow, cup, ball, baby, pat, home, apron, tractor, knock, heart, oval, book, mine, go, papa (this is Grandpa), moon, Oh dear, Oh Boy, Come On, Night Night

Animal Noises:
-He's added monkey to his repetoire. He knows what sounds the lion, cow, sheep, dog, duck, frog, elephant, rabbit & cat make

Sleeping (hasn't changed):
-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day, even on weekends
-Takes one nap in the afternoon, usually 2 hrs
-At home on the weekends, most times he takes his 2 hr nap in the late morning
-Asleep by 7:30pm each night (on average)

Clothes (hasn't changed):
-18 Months for shirts, sweaters, PJs
-24Months/2T stuff is definitely big on him
-18 Months pants are still a bit long but fitting better
-Shoes: Size 5
-Diapers: Pampers Size 4 Cruisers

Feeding: (hasn't changed either)
-Loves pancakes/waffles, eggs, muffins, mini rice cakes, teddy grahams, apples (but doesn't always finish them but wants them), cheerios, goldfish, raw carrots, PB & J, hot dogs, Mac & Cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza
-Starting to do really well with fruit - bananas, apples, clementines, strawberries
-He eats fairly well but not in large quantity all the time
-We got to get him on the vegetable train soon as he doesn't eat them as often as he should

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