Friday, January 2, 2009

Haircut #4...

If you couldn't tell from the photos, Alexander was due for another haircut! He was starting to get shaggy.

Dan & I too him to his hair cutting place, Friday afternoon after a nap & lunch. He was in a good mood, so we were hoping that would help during the haircut. We got there and it was crowded, everyone must have had the same idea since people probably had the day off from work.
The three girls who have cut his hair in the past were all there. I was hoping he would get the one who did the 2nd haircut as she was the nicest & most patient. But alas...we got the one who cut #3. She didn't seem to remember him or us, which was probably for the best.
As soon as I put him in the chair, he freaked out and stared to cry. For the majority of the haircut, I either had to hold his hands down or hold his head straight. He wasn't enjoying it much at all...not matter what we tried to distract him, he wasn't having it. However, there were a few moments where he stopped crying and would actually listen to Dan or I. Even the hairdresser seemed shocked when he stopped crying, but of course he started crying soon there after.

Once done, he looked at himself but then didn't seem impressed and started crying again. After taking him out of the seat he was FINE! He was smiling, laughing, and even running over to the wheel. He sat down and even put his token in to get his prize.
It's like magic...

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