Friday, June 11, 2010

Joys of Bedtime...and the funny!

Lately, bedtime has been a bit challenging. Not long ago, it used to take approximately 45-60 minutes from start to finish - teeth brush, jammies, play time, read books, to tucked in. All with challenges but minimally.

But now the challenge of bedtime is the fact it is now taking an hour and a half to two hours most nights to finally get him in bed. So we've changed the rules a bit to where he is allowed to play in his room after books and then when he's ready to be tucked in, he can either shut the light off on his own or he can call us to come tuck him in. However, he doesn't always like that and will come out of his room, try to play in our room, stand on the gate, etc. Anything as long as it doesn't mean staying in his room, closer to bedtime.

Last night, after I finished books I told him he could play in his room until I told him it was time to turn off the lights. And he did very well listening. He stayed in his room, playing for about 20 minutes. Then I started to hear some banging and thumping. I went upstairs to investigate, only to find Alexander standing BUTT-NAKED in front of his dresser, surrounded by pajamas & blankets. He had EMPTIED the drawers on his dresser and decided he wanted to put on new jammies.

I wanted to laugh so hard because the visual of him standing there in a pile of clothes/blankets but holding a blanket up on his shoulders as a shawl was absolutely priceless. However, trying not to encourage this was quite difficult with the laughing under my breath.
As we started to clean up, he decided he wanted to put on as many pairs of shorts/pajama pants that he could get on him. He moved quite fast! And he did a great job getting 4 pairs on all by himself. I did however have to stop him so we could put on a nighttime pull-up first, but he was gung-ho! And the whole thing was VERY entertaining & quite priceless!Lesson of the night: motherhood is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!

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