Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Swimming Lessons: Year 2...

Today, Alexander & I went to sign up for swim class. He was quite excited to be back at the pool again, which is a far cry from his very first trip there last year. He kept asking if he could go for swimming class now so I had to explain that it was time for the older kids. So we sat and watched the older kids swim up & down the lanes for a while.

The other two classes I was hoping to get him into was already full, so we'll be attending the same "Mommy & Me" swim session as last year. This year he seems quite ready & excited! Maybe I'll even get him to swim for a few seconds on his own. We start in July so I'm sure the next few weeks will contain lots of questions as to when we go back to the pool.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I don't know if they still offer them or not, but the town used to have swim lessons at Silver Lake. Not sure what age they offer them for though. Just thought I'd throw it out there as another option.