Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flu Shot...

This afternoon Alexander had his yearly flu shot. I had been prepping him that we were going to Dr. M's office for a flu check-up and he seemed fine with it. In fact he was even excited we were going. I didn't tell him about the shot until a bit before and even still seemed fine.

We were going to see Dr. D this time and Alexander was super excited. We played with his cars in the waiting room without incidents. It was our time and Dr. D came out to get us. She was very friendly and Alexander couldn't wait to follow her into her room.

We explained to him that he was getting a flu check-up and that he was going to get a shot in his leg. "Oh Mom" And with that it was over - it was quick.

And while he didn't actually cry, his eyes did well up and he looked so sad. Even Dr. D said that it was those moments that broke her heart where the kids didn't cry but looked so sad. Alexander just sat on my lap and then said "but Mommy it hurts". So Dr. D rubbed his thigh a bit & put on a band-aid and in about 1 minute, he was good as new.

I even got him to stand on the scale (a whopping 33.6 lbs)!

After the doctor visit, we went to McDonald's for a little treat and headed home. He fell asleep on the way home which was probably because he didn't nap at school. I expected to have a long night with him during bedtime since he fell asleep but nope...I was able to get him partially changed and in bed. He ended up sleeping for almost 11 1/2 hours!

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