Friday, October 15, 2010


This week gave us one of the most shocking quote much so Mommy almost drove off the road.

And the quote was:
"Christopher Columbus said the ocean blue ocean blue ocean blue in 1492"

I was in shock because I had no idea my 3 1/2 year old would know that much about history already. He was asking about trash day and I told him it would be on Thursday of this week due to the holiday. This was the rest of conversation:

Alexander: 'holiday?'
Mommy: 'Yes, we had a holiday this week for Columbus day'
Alexander: 'Columbus?'
Mommy: (wondering how to explain this to him) 'Yes, Columbus ...sailed the ocean blue'
Alexander: 'ohhh ocean blue'

And then he came out with his little ditty of 1492. I was so shocked & amazed that he kept saying it because he knew I was excited.

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