Monday, January 10, 2011

Sick Day...

As you may or may not know, this coming week is the week that Alexander notoriously gets ill. And with no surprise, he is nothing if not consistent. Alexander was congested/phlegmy all weekend and when it was time to leave for school Monday morning, he wasn't feeling all that great. He had no appetite and his face was a little pale.

He was all bundled up, ready to go and he complained that his stomach hurt. I brought him in to give him medicine (more for his cough) and he started to heave and then threw up (mostly phlegm) all over Mommy. Needless to say, we kept him home in case he got sick later on. There was no fever or additional throw-up but it was better to be safe so that he could rest and not stay sick.

Thankfully it was the only day he was sick!

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