Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day in Boston...

Today we went into Boston for the afternoon - and had a jammed-packed afternoon!

We walked along the waterfront, headed to the Aquarium (where it pays to be a member because we could avoid the very long, very hot line out front) and enjoyed seeing the sea-life. Alexander was quite excited that the sharks were back from "vacation" and there were now 3 to enjoy!

After a snack at the Aquarium, we headed out to walk around. We walked over to Fanueil Hall where Alexander wanted to get some ice cream. Before we got there, we stopped at a water fountain where kids & adults were cooling themselves off from the heat! From there we walked towards Govt Center & stopped to watch a street group perform. At the end, they asked for volunteers and asked "you, cool dude" pointing towards Alexander to join them but he became incredibly shy and turned them down. (He didn't like the invite at all as he actually started to tear up that he would have to go in the middle) After the performance, we went up the Govt Center steps as Alexander knew where the train station was and that he wanted to take a train ride. (Can I just say how much I love that Alexander loves this city and loves the subway?!)

We took a train ride back over to the Aquarium and walked around the waterfront a bit more. And before we headed home, Alexander rode the Merry Go Round! All in all a very nice afternoon in the city!

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