Sunday, July 31, 2011

Vacation - Part Two...

Today, Alexander & Daddy left for a mini-vacation - this will be a Cape Cod Part Two for Alexander. They are staying Sunday through Tuesday as then Daddy comes back to go on a fishing trip with friends.

They are staying at a house that Grandma & Pop-pop rented for the week. The cousins will be there so Alexander will have a blast playing with everyone! I'm sure there will be sun, swimming & beach time for all!

I'll try not to miss him even though I know he's having a blast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blast is an understatement!

We had a great time - Alexander is a charmer; very well behaved and enjoyable. We all had a great time bonding together. It was an "all boys club" as Steve & Carolyn came down Sunday night for a Clambake and their 3 boys (Nick, Chris & Will) loved playing with their younger cousins (Michael & Alexander)
So glad we could get together!

Gma & PopPop C