Saturday, September 22, 2007

Six Months...


A lot has happened in 2 months
-Such a happy baby! He is always happy and smiling. Daddy can get him to belly laugh quite often
-His eyes changed color and are hazel
-He doesn't have a ton of hair but has a bald spot in the back from where he lays down. Some days the hair is really dark, other days it's as light as peach fuzz
-Babbling constantly and really getting into finding his voice
-Rolls over both front: back and back: front
-When holding someone's hands, he can pull himself up into a sitting position and immediately go into a standing position
-Can wiggle himself around the floor but still doesn't understand the concept of crawling/scooting
-Discovered his feet and but hasn't "discovered" his hands
-Puts everything in his mouth, eats his feet and fingers all the time. He can also pick up and put his binky in his mouth correctly
-Will sleep on his back and then roll onto his tummy where he puts his arms under his belly like Mommy does
-Starting able to sit up by himself in just the past few days, holding himself up and able to reach out for objects
-Mommy & Daddy think he has allergies but we're not sure from what. He wheezes OFTEN and alot of times will have a stuffed up nose. We put a air filter in his room and that definitely helped his congestion
-He can reach out and grab stuff
-He's learning how to reach out and then push things off a table or what's in front of him
-He loves to play with my hair
-Started cuddling (I LOVE THAT)
-Loves to bat things around that are in front or above him

-Sleeping is going very well
-He sleeps in his crib every night
-Typical wake up time is 5a, but there are some mornings where he'll sleep til 6a. And recently he slept 12 full hours and woke up at 7am
-During the day he will take 2-3 naps, usually one long nap (anywhere from 1-3 hours)
-Bedtime is around 7p and most nights goes down without a problem. He hardly ever wakes up during the night and if he does it's usually an episode of crying, we think he's having a nightmare because he stays asleep and after a big of cuddling will go back down


-Wearing Size 3-6 and almost everything in that size fits him well
-He can still wear size 3 months with onesies, but some 3/ 3-6 month pj's are too tight in the feet
-Still has yet to duplicate an outfit to school
-Haven't looked at his Size 6 months clothes yet
-Diapers: Size 2 Swaddlers

-5-6 bottles a day (24 oz - 32 oz per day)
-Morning bottle before school (4 oz)
-3 bottles at school (6-7 oz) and if he's extra hungry/fussy he'll have a small 4 oz bottle for late afternoon but he doesn't always have that one
-Last bottle (4-6 oz) at bedtime, around 7p
-We started solids of bananas & sweet potatoes. We also did some cereal. He liked them all and ate well but he developed a pretty nasty diaper rash so we took solids away for a bit to see if they caused a reaction. The diaper rash is gone so we started carrots today.

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