Monday, October 22, 2007

Seven Months...

I'll update with the Seven Month Pictures as soon as I take them (and be on the lookout for yet another glove shot)

-Sits up by himself and can even reach for objects around him
-Holding a bottle on his own
-His hair is slowing growing in
-Definitely finding his voice (grunting, babbling, saying dahhh dahh dahh and diii diii diii)
-Just recently (past couple of days) will do this new face & noise when he's getting frustrated and it's absolutely hilarious (see video below)
-Rolls over both front: back and back: front
-Loves standing and pulling himself to a standing position when holding onto someone's hands
-Not crawling yet but can move himself in 360* on the floor & in his crib
-No teeth yet but loves to chew on anything
-Doesn't use his binky as much except when sleeping or really fussy, otherwise he's content to put his hands in his mouth or anything else he can get a hold of
-Picks up his binky and puts it in his mouth correctly
-Sleeps on his back, stomach & side - depends on how he rolls/moves
-Still wheezes but the doctor doesn't know from what or why - we're keeping an eye on it...
-He still loves to play with my hair
-He's getting to be a even better cuddly baby
-Loves to bat things around that are in front or above him

Sleeping hasn't changed all that much
-Typical wake up time is 5a, but there are some mornings where he'll sleep til 6a.
-He sleeps in his crib and occasionally, in the mornings, will come in and lie down with us as we're waking up
-During the day he will take 2-3 naps, usually one long nap (anywhere from 1-3 hours)
-Bedtime is around 7p and most nights goes down without a problem.
-He has a tendency to have his coughing episodes between 10-11pm but it doesn't happen every night. And when he does cough, he's able to sleep through it.

-Wearing Size 3-6 & 6 Months. 6 Months pants are too big but 3/6 Months are too short. Overall almost everything fits him well
-Some 3-6 month pj's are too tight in the feet however he can wear Size 3 Month Onesies
-Still has yet to duplicate an outfit to school
-Organized his jam-packed closet to put all of his 6 Months clothes up front
-Diapers: Size 2/3 Swaddlers

-5-6 bottles a day (24 oz - 32 oz per day)
-Morning bottle before school (~6 oz)
-3 bottles at school (6 oz) and if he's extra hungry/fussy he'll have a small 4 oz bottle for late afternoon but he doesn't always have that one
-Last bottle (4-6 oz) at bedtime, around 7p
-We've been having carrots & applesauce and he loves the both. He's also had some prunes and he seems to like prunes.
-We've tried cereal but that made him sick, but we're not sure if that was bad timing because he had shots earlier that day.

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