Thursday, November 22, 2007

8 Months...


I don't feel as though a lot of changed over the past month. He seems to be quite content sitting on his own

-He still sits but will now reach out for objects around him...sometimes this means he ends up on his belly.
-He still does not crawl but when on his belly he will bounce up & down as if he thinks that will make him move
-When on his belly push himself backwards or around in a circle
-Loves standing and pulling himself to a standing position when holding onto someone's hands
-Loves to jump! He jumps in his jumperoo and his exersaucer
-Says Da Da and when you ask him where is Da Da he looks around to find Dan.
-He nods his head up & down as if to say "yes" and sometimes has done it to answer a question. (He did it Wednesday morning at school - both Linda & I got a chuckle out of it)
-Still holding his own bottle, however he likes to pull down on it rather than hold it up
-Drinks out of a sippy cup when sitting in his eating chair
-The grunting noise continues, complete with facial gestures, when he's annoyed
-Still no teeth yet but loves to chew on anything
-Doesn't use his binky as much except when sleeping or really fussy, otherwise he's content to put his hands in his mouth or anything else he can get a hold of
-Great motorskills (Loves to bat things around that are in front or above him)
-Sleeps on his back, stomach & side - depends on how he rolls/moves
-Still wheezes but the doctor doesn't know from what or why - we're keeping an eye on it...
-Not only will he play with my hair when eating, but now he pulls it (hard)
-Cuddles after he eats or when he's calming down

Sleeping schedule is about the same
-Typical wake up time is 5a, but there are some mornings where he'll sleep til 4a or 6a
-He sleeps in his crib and occasionally, in the mornings, I'll bring him in and lie down with us as we're waking up
-At school, he will take about 2 naps, usually one long nap (anywhere from 1-3 hours)
-On the weekends, he has a tendency to fight naptime and when he does go down they're typically shorter naps but 99% of the time wakes up happy
-He's cut out the 3rd nap completely
-Bedtime is around 7p and most nights goes down without a problem.
-Every now & then will have a crying fit in his sleep but will sleep through it. We usually have to wake him in order to calm him down. But he's been good about going back down after some rocking & cuddling.

-Wearing a variety of sizes. He can still wear 3-6 months, 6 months and the occasional 6-9 month onesie (albeit big)
-Mainly Size 3-6 & 6 Months.
-6 Months pants are still too big in the waist but 3/6 Months are too short.
-6 Month pj's tend to work the best
-Still has yet to duplicate an outfit to school
-Diapers: Size 2/3 Swaddlers

-5-6 bottles a day (Typically 24 oz - 32 oz per day)
-Morning bottle before school (he'll eat between 2-4 oz and then will push it away)
-3 bottles at school (6 oz) and a small 4 oz bottle for late afternoon
-Last bottle (4-6 oz varies at what he wants to eat) at bedtime, around 7p
-Solids - he'll have two-three solids a day:
-- Likes: Carrots, Applesauce, Squash, Prunes, Dutch Apple, Apple Blueberry, Pears, Peaches
-- Dislikes: Garden Vegetable Medley
-- Other: We've had oatmeal but he seems to like it better when I mix applesauce with it

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