Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Plans...

Alexander is about to celebrate yet another first holiday - Thanksgiving! It's potentially going to be a busy weekend too.
Thursday we'll celebrate the day with my parents & Alyson(she makes the best stuffing). We'll also be celebrating with Gary, Sharon & the kids... so that will be fun to watch Alexander try to play with the big kids. Then Friday, my aunt is having a gathering at her house that we will most likely go to.
On Saturday, my uncle is having a family gathering because my cousin is home from Miami and won't be able to come home for Christmas - so this is her chance to see everyone for the holidays. However that gathering is at nighttime and because the previous two days may be busy, I'm not sure we're going to make that one. That's a tentative one. I don't want to mess with his schedule more than we have to... otherwise the poor kid will be miserable and then we'll be just as miserable.
Alyson & Moira talked about getting together for lunch to celebrate Moira's birthday - which is next Monday - so maybe we'll do that on Sunday. Whew - that's a busy weekend...I'm already tired and it's not even Thursday yet. :)

What is everyone else doing?

1 comment:

{Amanda} said...

we'll visit the ILs on Thursday late morning. . then head to my parents for all the goodies ;) they're actually keeping ellery overnight as we're going out at 5am Friday morning to shop!!!! then we'll come home. . i'll nap (LOL) and john will put our tree up before we go get the munchkin :)

that's about it i think!