Friday, February 22, 2008

11 Months...

11 Month Recap

-Crawling has gotten much faster
-Pulls himself to a stand and is starting to get the hang of cruising along furniture
-Can get himself back down to the floor from the standing position, does this quite frequently in his crib
-Getting really good at walking around the house by holding onto your hands.
-Does a great job of walking as he pushes a toy/ride across the room without one of us holding onto him
-Main words are 'dada', 'nana', 'baba' and occasionally 'mama'. Dan has this trick with him that when he says 'mama' in the hopes that he'll repeat it, but he says 'dada' instead. Grampie gets a huge kick out of it!
-He's starting to do a lot of babbling and telling stories with all sorts of sounds
-Gives kisses & can even blow kisses
-Nodding yes, no, waving and Hi-fives are more frequent and take place at the right times
-Blows rasberries, but those have gotten less common as he's learning to blow bubbles with his drool
-Still No teeth yet
-Does a great job of holding his bottles and getting much better with the sippy cup, with or without handles...if only he'll keep the liquid in his mouth
-Is able to feed himself pieces of food and gets better every day
-Loves water & bathtime - the more splashing the better (we may only use one bottle of shampoo for the entire first year, a weird tidbit I find fascinating)
-Great motorskills (moving objects from one hand to the other & following things with his eyes)
-Still a great cuddler before bed

-Wakes up around 5:30-6am. Thankfully it's getting a little later as he gets older, he's even slept in til 6:30/7am a few times
-Most days he takes two naps a day (usually an hour to an hour and a half long)
-Bedtime is 7p and he is usually asleep by 7:30pm
-95% of the time he spends the whole night in his crib... it's not 100% because he's been sick this past week

-6-9 Months - this is the best size for him right now in almost everything. He can get away with size 6 months onesies and we even have some 3-6 months sweaters that he can wear. But if it's 6-9 months the pants fits perfect and aren't too short.
-Outfits to school have continued mixing up outfits/items to make new outfits to make the most out of all of his clothes
-Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Cruisers

-4-5 Bottles a day of whole milk (24-30 oz)
--First bottle at home before school; and 2-3 bottles at school depending on his nap schedule/mood/hunger; and last bottle before bed
-Solids - The schedule hasn't changed, just adding in some new items: he'll have two-three meals a day:
--Breakfast: oatmeal with applesauce or a waffle w/his sippy cup
--Lunch: Veggies & cheese w/water in sippy cup. Sometimes he'll get a thing of fruit along with the veggies
-- PM Snack: Fruit & a cooke w/water in sippy cup. Puffs or a saltine cracker if he's extra hungry
-- Likes: Carrots, Applesauce, Squash, Prunes, Dutch Apple, Apple Blueberry, Pears, Peaches, Pineapple, Banana, Mixed Veggies, Sweet Potatoes & Corn, Grape Blueberry, Apple Strawberry Banana
-- Dislikes: Garden Vegetable Medley, yogurt, any type of pasta (I think it's the texture he doesn't like)
-We'll give him water or milk in a sippy cup.
-Loves to drink water out of a bottle (a normal adult water bottle)
-Loves arrowroot cookies, graham crackers & saltines
-Lately he's tried: french fries, mashed potatoes, ketchup, hamburger, peas, Italian Wedding soup, pasta, mac & cheese, pizza sauce, bread (loved all of it but the pasta)

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