Friday, August 22, 2008

17 Months...

17 Months...


-Has started to have mini meltdowns - sometimes at bedtime or randomly throughout the day. They're sporadic so they appear to be more when he's overtired rather than not getting his way
-Gives kisses & hugs, sometimes without even asking for them
-Walking is great, he's even turning into a climber
-Has 2 bottom teeth & 2 top tooth and a third one breaking through on the bottom left
-Excellent at putting things away
-He takes direction very well (You can ask him to get something, find his book, go to his seat for dinner, put away his toys, and he'll do it)
-Eating with utensils is getting better with each week, there's still a mess but he's improving
-He is great with stairs
-Very good with brushing his teeth before bed and can tell if you're tried to trick him with no toothpaste
-Loves to put things in 'hiding' spots-Developing an amazing arm with this throwing ability (don't know if this is a good thing or not yet)
-Loves playing in the water
-Knows what & where to turn the tv on but thankfully hasn't figured out the correct flow of buttons that need to be pushed
-Waves Hi & Bye
-Still a huge flirt
-Loves dogs & birds
-Knows exactly what I'm asking for when I say "go get your dinosaur book" or what his other books are
-He knows all of his body parts except for eye...he can even do cheek & chin but can't find his eye
-He screams, loudly, when he's excited

Ahh Daa (is his word for Please and potentially thank you)
JoJo (His teacher's name is MaryJo)
Aiden (aah-den)
Hi (he's now saying this a lot)
Quack Quack
woof woof
All done (I keep forgetting to add this one)
All gone
baaaa (sheep noise)
shoe (this was a new one this morning)

Animal Noises:
He knows what sounds the lion, cow, sheep, dog, duck, frog, elephant, & cat make. He make not do them consistently but he's done them enough that he knows what he's doing and not just making random noises


-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day, even on weekends
-Takes one nap in the afternoon, usually 2 hrs
-At home on the weekends, most times he takes his 2 hr nap in the late morning
-Asleep by 7:30pm each night (on average)

-Everything is still 12 Months
-Shoes: Size 3
-Diapers: moving into Pampers Size 4 Cruisers

-He drinks mainly milk or sometimes water from sippy cups
-He likes to be a big boy and use a cup without a lid and ends up drenched
-Three meals a day: (typical menu for school)
--Breakfast: pancake, waffle, cereal bar or muffin with his sippy cup
--AM Snack: Cheerios & fruit (bananas or strawberries) or graham crackers
--Lunch: Grilled Cheese or Hot dog & cheese, applesauce and milk in sippy cup
--PM Snack: snack bar, fruit, graham crackers, or yogurt
--Dinner: He loves PB & Jelly Sandwiches but we're trying to get him to try different foods but the staples are: PB&J, Hot Dogs, Grilled Cheese, Egg but he will eat veggies & fruit in the Gerber containers (he loves to feed himself)
-- Does not like food with texture
--Has tried: Cheese puffs (loves them); dried papaya (loved it); broccoli, cauliflower, pickles, lemon, limes, broccoli & cheese soup (loves it), pretzels (loves knawing on soft pretzels), he also loves to sit in his chair and eat a slice of bread - that's it just a slice of bread. He'll go over to the fridge and when you open the door, he'll put out the loaf and wait for a slice

Being outside, water, taking baths, Bubbles, going down slides, Singing ABCs, reading books, pushing his truck, playing blocks, saying Hi to the vaccum, being chased by Daddy, showing off that he knows his body parts, medicine, sweeping

textured food

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