Sunday, August 17, 2008

Castle Island...

Dan, Alexander & I went to Castle Island this afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather (not a rainy cloud in sight)!!

We ran into a bit of traffic so the poor kid was very good since he probably just wanted to get out of the car. However once out he was so excited to see water, dogs, and people on bikes! Everytime a dog would be in view, he would scream with delight.

We went to Sullivan's and got some food and found a perfect spot on the grass to eat where we could watch the planes from Logan Airport take off. Nothing like a hot dog for Alexander, cheeseburger for Daddy, and french fries w/vinegar for Mommy. Everytime the plane would go above us both Alexander & Daddy would look up and follow the plane.

After lunch, we played a bit on the grass and then walked around the castle. As we walked around, Alexander was torn between looking up to see the planes overhead or watching the doggies walk by. After the walk, it was time to head home since the little guy was starting to rub his eyes non-stop.

Next time, we'll have to bring him on the playground and let him run wild! The more and more we go, hopefully the more he'll love this place as much as Mommy does...

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