Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat...

Tonight, Alexander went trick or treating for the first time. We went around to just a few neighbors as our street isn't the ideal setting for trick or treating plus there isn't a ton of houses around us that actually give out candy (probably because of the road conditions and not a lot of kids...).
Before we actually went out, we had one family come to our house to trick or treat. They were two little boys from the little neighborhood behind us. Alexander was so excited to see them all dressed up that he kept screeching. But he didn't want to hold the candy bowl - he just wanted to screech! After they left he liked going through the bowl and shaking the candy, but that's about it...all that candy and only 2 kids! Alexander was all for putting his costume on for the third time today and even had no problem wearing the hood. He even seemed excited to hold his pumpkin and knew to put the candy inside. Smart kid! First, we went over to Mrs. M (she lives across the street) once we knew she was home. She was so excited to see him! And for some reason he wanted to see her too as he was trying to go inside her house.
Mrs. M gave him some candy and he held open his pumpkin for her. As we were standing there, we noticed something run through our yard which they thought was a coyote. Yah, not big on wild animals, especially ones who could eat my kid. After we gave the coyote some time to get out of the area, we headed to our other 2 neighbors who live behind/next to us. They were both very excited to see Alexander! He got rave reviews for his costume and being so cute. Of course.
For the 2nd house, they opened the door and he walked right on in, without fear. (eek) They had a dancing skeleton which he thought was fantastic and started to dance along with him. Once we were able to get him out of the house (he was trying to go into the kitchen), we headed over to our other neighbor's house.
The 14 yr old daughter was home with her grandmother and was very excited to give Alexander some candy. All Alexander wanted to do was fling around his pumpkin bag.
After that it was time to head home...we walked back home, on the coyote lookout, and tried to do one last picture on the steps. But someone was getting tired so he wasn't all that cooperative.
But for just a few houses he got a decent amount of goodies in his Halloween pumpkin...
Happy Halloween!

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