Friday, May 22, 2009

Monthly Update...

Since I decided I would still do a monthly update, but maybe not as specific, here goes...

This past month was pretty same ole same ole with the one exception that Alexander had to go to the ER because of a fall at school, got several sets of x-rays, and ended up getting a cast on his arm even though he has no broken bones.

Despite that, things have been well. He's vocabulary is improving where he's actually starting to form phrases. He does very well with the alphabet (when he wants) as well as counting. He counts from 1, 2, 6-15 all by himself!

I also bought him a book of 100 words (food, musical instruments, animals, colors, etc) and he's getting really good at telling me what the majority of the things in the book are. He also loves to finger paint. He'll tell you the color paper and then what color paint to use - he's quite the artist!

Clothing, feeding, sleeping are still the same as before. One other thing that may become a future topic is that I'm noticing he's starting to want to climb. The past two weeks, he's tried to climb back IN to his crib to get a stuffed animal or something. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a "Alexander climbed out of his crib" topic!

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