Friday, May 15, 2009


At bedtime, Alexander & I have our rituals as to what books we read and how we read them. Most times, I read them and if I look at him as I read him, he says "Nooooo Mommy" and literally turns my head towards the book. I guess I can't have them memorized. For Easter, he got a Elmo @ the Playground book that he loves. We've been reading it and the best part is that there are words featured in the book at the end of the book so we practice saying them.

At first I got babble back but he's been getting better at repeating after me. Then Wednesday night, I would point to the word and he would say it first - without me coaching him. I was SO excited that after the first few words I was so giddy. Poor kid didn't know what was going on. He was able to say most words by "reading" (it could be his own memorizing, but still he understands the words!).

Then as we were reading the book Friday night, he started to say the words that are in the back DURING the book and in the correct places. This was more exciting because we didn't practice that part but he knew what word to say when!

A few words that are on the list are: practice, baseball, playground, kindness & fantastic! These are so much fun to hear him say...or at least attempt to say!

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