Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Little Sickie...

Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from Miss Lindsay saying that Alexander got sick during nap. I headed to school to pick him up and I could hear him crying from the door, poor guy. He was sitting with Miss Alexa and had just gotten sick yet again. Miss Lindsay mentioned that someone else got sick too so it might be a stomach bug going around.

We headed home and the poor guy got sick TWICE during the car ride home. I felt so helpless as he was scared & had no idea what to do or what was going on. I had to tell him to spit it out because he didn't know what to do.

We got home and I got him changed into some PJs. I called the doctor and Nurse Lee did say there was a 12 hr stomach bug going around and the fact that he's gotten sick so much so quickly is probably good that he'll go thru it. She said not to give him a lot to drink as that will set it off (which she wasn't kidding!)

We cuddled in bed but then he got sick and didn't want to throw up in the bucket, only a towel. So then after getting changed, we headed downstairs for some more cuddling. We headed up to bed earlier than normal, and after a couple of books, he got sick again. He just couldn't get comfortable - whether it was on his bed, in my lap, on my shoulder, on the floor, sideways, upside down. This lack-of-sleeping went on for the ENTIRE night. When he would finally fall asleep he would wake up screaming/crying for water. Of course every time I gave him a drop, like clockwork, he would throw it up.

It was a long night for everyone because he felt awful & couldn't get comfortable and then when he finally did, he would wake up screaming for water only to get sick again.

Wednesday, Mommy & Alexander stayed home and rested. Thankfully the vomitting didn't carry over and we had a cuddle-filled, lowkey day. Plus he took a nice 3 1/2 hr nap! However by the time Daddy got home, he was ready for someone else.

Here is my little sickie as we cuddle on the couch on Tuesday...

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