Friday, January 22, 2010

Monthly Update...

We are nearing the 3 year mark - can you believe it?!

This past month, we moved to a big boy bed! And he's done really well, without any major issues. Our main concern was that he would get out to fight bedtime or to play. There has only been one nap time where he got out of his bed a few times but when he realized I wasn't on the other side of the door he went back in his room, closed the door, and went back in bed. He also hasn't done much moving around either.

As for the past month, he's been doing really well in Preschool. One teacher commented that she sees growth & maturity even since changing rooms. His vocabulary is also improving as the weeks go on. There are times he shows laziness with words/letters (F & S) but if you ask him to sound it out, he does it no problems.

He knows his ABCs, count to 20, and even is adding more books to his list of ones he can read to you. I think we're up to 5 books that he can read on his own.

We were in a very long phase of Alexander waking up once a night and coming into sleep with Mommy. (Not to jinx it...) However as of late, he's been making it through the night. Keep those fingers crossed.

He loves Thomas the Train (it's everywhere), trucks (of all kinds), his vacuum/broom, and his doctor kit. As for shows, he loves/will watch: Thomas, Mickey Mouse, Little Einstein, Curious George, Sesame Street, Handy Manny, Imagination Movers, Tigger & Pooh, & a new Disney show called Chuggington.

Eating is interesting. Sometimes he will only eat the same things over & over. Other times he'll be adventurous and try new foods. Lately he's tried & liked: peppers, cucumbers, celery, bagels with cream cheese. Some times he'll like a food and then we'll give it again and he wants no part of it...try, try again!

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