Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trip to the Office...

Alexander had a rough day at school on Wednesday. He spent most of the day not listening, running & screaming.

At nap time, he & "a friend" (aka Connor) were supposed to be lying down on their mats getting ready for nap but instead they were throwing blankets and then growling at people & not in a good way. Miss Lindsay asked them to put the blankets on the counter since they couldn't play nice and after no listening, she put them up there for them. In keeping with the not listening, they stole their blankets back and threw them again.

So Miss Lindsay took them both to the office in the hopes they would calm down...and it pretty much took all of nap time for them to unwind. Which meant neither of them napped...poor Miss Lindsay!

This was the outcome driving home as a result of a non-napping/cranky day:

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