Saturday, March 22, 2008

12 Months...

-Cruising along furniture
-Walking is getting much improved when holding onto people's hands
-Pushes his tractor by himself around the house and walks behind it
-Standing and will even let go to what he's holding - then he'll realize he's standing by himself and grab on quick
-Everything is 'dada', although we think we got a "hi", "duck" and something else out of him
-A lot more babbling, especially in the morning
-Starting to realize what "no" means
-Blows kisses, nods yes & no, waving at the appropriate times
-Hi-fives are more frequent
-Still No teeth yet
-Great job of feeding himself - we've even tried the spoon and he's great with it
-Can't get enough of water & bathtime
-Cuddles before bed and some nights will then crawl all around his crib and pull himself up, then get back down before actually going to sleep (it's entertaining to watch)

-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day
-Most days he takes two naps (morning/afternoon) (usually an hour to an hour and a half long)
-Bedtime is 7p and he is usually asleep by 7:30pm

-6-9 Months - this is the best size for him right now in almost everything.
-Outfits to school have continued mixing up outfits/items to make new outfits to make the most out of all of his clothes
-Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Cruisers

-4 Bottles a day of whole milk (24-30 oz)
-Starting to transition him out of bottles and using sippy cups more
--First bottle at home before school; and 2 bottles at school; and last bottle before bed
-Solids - The schedule hasn't changed, just adding in some new items: he'll have two-three meals a day:
--Breakfast: oatmeal, pancake or waffle with applesauce and his sippy cup
--Lunch: Veggies & cheese and milk in sippy cup. This past week I've started to give him hot dogs & cheese for lunch. Next week, we'll mix it up with turkey, ham & hot dogs.
-- PM Snack: Fruit & cookie with water in sippy cup.
-- Pretty much likes everything except pasta, string cheese and the garden vegetable medley
-We'll give him water or milk in a sippy cup.
-Loves to drink water out of a bottle (a normal adult water bottle)
-Loves arrowroot cookies, graham crackers & saltines
-Lately he's tried: Pizza, hot dogs, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, whole carrots, corn, bread, cheese puffs (gerber), cake, chocolate chip cookie (his first real amount of sugar), boston cream pie, squash bisque soup

The Wiggles
Sesame Street
Grover & Cookie Monster books
M*A*S*H Theme Song
Singing ABCs

Pasta (textured food)
String cheese
Babies in his personal space

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