Saturday, March 29, 2008

Twelve Month Check-Up...

It's official - Alexander is still a peanut. He was little when he was born and he's still little now. And we love him just the way he is!

We had our official 12 month check-up today with Dr. M and his wife. Alexander did exceptionally well, even though the appointment was during nap time. In our doctor group, there were only 3 out of the 4 babies so it was a relatively quick appointment. We discussed eating, sleeping & development. All 3 of the babies are right around each other in terms of crawling, standing, starting to take steps, sleeping & what they're eating. Alexander is still the only one without teeth, but hey no biting!

His official details are Weight: 19 lbs 13 oz; Length: 28.5"; Head: 44.5 cm. He only grew 8 ounces since his last doctor visit on February 20th. The other two babies were 28lbs & 24 lbs respectively.

Alexander had two shots today (chicken pox & pneumoccocal) and also had blood drawn to test for lead & anemia. His blood level (hgb) is 13.6 which is just fine. We'll get a call from Dr. M if the lead results come back abnormal, but no one is really worried as all of the paint in our house is within the last 3/4 years so it doesn't contain lead. Alexander was okay with the blood being drawn, he just didn't enjoy being constricted. He cried really hard with the shots though. Thankfully, those ended quickly.

Overall, a successful doctor visit with Dr. M. We'll see them for the 15 Month Check-up at the end of June.

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