Tuesday, April 22, 2008

13 Months...

-Taken his first steps 2 weeks after his first birthday
-Took a few more steps since then but nothing major
-Walks by holding onto your hand but not quite steady
-Cruising & crawling is quite fast
-Babbles up a storm
-Major word is still Dada; has said turtle, all done. When he's trying to say the words he makes the sounds mimicing you
-No Teeth yet (but I hope for his sake that he his teething so the pain goes away)
-Understands No

Sleeping: (this has not changed in a month)
-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day
-Most days he takes two naps (morning/afternoon)
-Bedtime is 7p and he is usually asleep by 7:30pm

-6-9 Months or 9 Months. Pants is 9 Months to help with the length. However I was able to put him in a sweatshirt that was size 3-6 months and it fit him fine
-Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Cruisers

-4 Bottles a day of whole milk (24-30 oz)
-Solids - three meals a day:
--Breakfast: oatmeal, pancake or waffle with applesauce and his sippy cup
--Lunch: Hot dog & cheese and milk in sippy cup
-- PM Snack: Fruit or yogurt & cookie with water in sippy cup.
-- Pretty much likes everything except pasta, string cheese
-Will try anything but pasta
-Lately he's tried: tuna, ham steaks, turkey cutlet, hash browns, scrambled eggs

Being outside
Taking his shoes off
The Wiggles & Sesame Street
His Grover & Cookie Monster books
Singing ABCs
The word: Shimmy

Pasta/textured food

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