Friday, April 4, 2008

Exciting News...

No, I'm not referring to any type of reunion news...however I do have some VERY EXCITING NEWS!

Let me paint the picture:
I was dropping Alexander off at school this morning. While I was putting the covers over my shoes (so you don't want into the class with dirty/wet shoes), I leaned Alexander up against my leg. Ms Megan was out in the hall with us and saying good morning to Alexander. Ms Dawn popped her head out over the 1/2 door (Ms Megan & Ms Dawn are Alexander's main teachers). Ms Mary-Jo from the next room over also popped her head out. Everyone was saying good morning.

I was trying to inch leg back to see if Alexander would stand on his own. He was actually doing okay without falling back onto my leg. So I stood straight and so did Alexander! He was standing and Ms. Megan started to clap. Then all of a sudden - Alexander took 4 steps towards Ms. Megan!! After his steps, he even remained standing on his own for a few seconds.

He put his arms out a bit to the side to help with balance and he just went for it. We all started to clap & cheer for him. We were actually a bit loud, so much so that Alexander got nervous and started to pout. Ms Megan & I got down and were telling him that it was okay and then he started to laugh & smile. It was absolutely precious. Ms. Megan was very excited and even commented that she was happy I was there to see his first steps (they usually don't tell us "first" things.)

Both Ms Megan & Ms Dawn said they were going to make him walk the halls today (jokingly) since they know he can do it... we'll see if he protests or starts running! So no turning back now... it's so exciting.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Alexander !!

Great Job !!

Love Grammie & Grampie


Anonymous said...

Awesome job sweetie!
Love, Aunty Moira