Sunday, June 22, 2008

15 Months...

15 Months...

-Walking all over the place
-Stands himself up
-Has 2 bottom teeth with 2 top teeth coming in
-He gives hugs & kisses when you ask for them
-He puts his head down to rest
-Dada, Hi, Moo, all done are his main words - everything else is babble or excited screeches
-Does well with straws, forks & spoons - but as boys do, he likes to make a mess with his food
-Knows where his head, hair, nose, mouth, ears & belly are (we're working on getting consistent with the belly)
-Does great with stairs
-If you ask him to do something, he knows exacty what you're asking him to do and most times will actually do it
-Most times he likes & will brush his teeth when you ask him to

-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day (this past week it was 5am)
-With the switch to the Transistion Room, he takes one nap in the early afternoon, usually 2 hrs (however this weekend, he was pooped and took 2 naps and this was by his own doing)

-For the most part, everything is a 12 Months. He can get away with some 9 Month stuff (pants, pj's, shirts, sweatshirts)
-Shoes: Size 3
-Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Cruisers

-No more bottles during the day - just first thing in the morning and at bedtime
-Drinks Milk in a sippy cup during the day at school
-Three meals a day: (typical menu for school)
--Breakfast: pancake or waffle & his sippy cup
--AM Snack: Cheerios & fruit (bananas or strawberries)
--Lunch: Grilled Cheese or Hot dog & cheese and milk in sippy cup
--PM Snack: snack bar, fruit, graham crackers, or yogurt \
--Dinner: Varies (Omelets, PB Sandwich, Grilled Cheese, Hot Dog) and we're starting to do more pasta and he's liking it as long as there is no meat sauce
-- Does not like food with texture

Likes: Being outside, Bubbles, going down slides, learning about the bathroom, Singing ABCs, reading books, pushing his truck, playing blocks, says Hi to the vaccum
Dislikes: textured food

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