Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fifteen Month Check-Up...

Alexander had his 15 month check-up today with Dr. M. Everything is going well. It was a fairly quick appointment considering there were 4 babies (sorry, toddlers) and they all got shots.

It was fun & interesting to see them all interact with each other or completely ignore one another. Overall, Dan & I agreed that they are all on par with each other. Some may walk better than others, another has more words in their vocabulary, but for the most part they're all in line. There were no major surprises or incidents, so it really wasn't that crazy.

Alexander woke up @ 4:30am this morning, so Dan & I were expecting a very cranky appointment, but he was really well behaved. In fact, he sat on my lap on the floor for a good chunk of time. Just peacefully sitting there drinking his milk. Dan & I were amazed at how relaxed he was. He never just sits there. Another interesting point was when Dr. M was sitting with each baby checking ears, measuring, etc, Alexander would just stand there and watch in awe. Kate (another baby) would do the same thing and just keep trying to peek around Dr. M to see what he was doing.

As for measurements, Alexander is still the smallest of the group by far! Drew & Kate were 29 & 28 lbs respectively and Lucas was around 25/26 lbs. Alexander wasn't quite there. Same thing with the height & head. Alexander was 3 inches shorter than Lucas and 4 than Drew & Kate.

Alexander's info:
21 lbs 15.8oz
45.1 cm (head)

Alexander got 2 shots and hated every second of it. He screamed bloody murder. He got the last of the Dtap & HiB. He also got the shot for Rubella as we did decide to split up the MMR vaccine into 3 separate ones to help be proactive in eliminating any possible risk of autism being linked to the MMR vaccine. (I believe we were the only ones who decided to do it that way) He has to go back in July & August for the Measles & Mumps shot. But then no more shots until he's 4, so hopefully that won't cause a fear of the doctor with shots every time. Overall a good visit and we go back in September for the 18 Month Check-up.

I know there is medical evidence to show the MMR vaccine is not linked to autism but then there are other things that show me that it's too much of a coincidence of the timing and how babies change. This is more solid piece of mind for us that if we can work to prevent something that will allow Alexander's life to remain healthy & happy, then as a Mom, I'm going to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I concur with your decision re: MMR. Didn't want to voice my opinion before (being the mil) but now that you made it, I am relieved. You are right, there is no definite conclusion, but waiting 3 mos. will not harm Alexander.

Enjoy the wonderful gift he is!
Keep those pictures coming...

Love, g'ma C