Sunday, June 8, 2008

Heat Wave...

Today was another scorcher. It definitely felt a lot hotter than yesterday. We were all sweating so we broke out the kiddie pool again. The water was super cold but because it was so hot out but man, did it feel good once you got used to it! Alexander had a feel day playing around, thankfully this little one is not afraid of the water. He was splashing like a mad-man and even plopping down in the water to make more waves (which in turn helped to keep Mommy cool).

We also went over to Neighbor Jon's because he has a mini pool for his kids. We put Alexander in for a little bit to see what his reaction would be - and he loved it! He loved being swayed from side to side in the water. It very well might be time to sign the kid up for lessons or at least a Y membership.

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