Saturday, June 7, 2008

Transition Room: First Week

Alexander has completed his first week in his new room, the Transition Room. Overall, he did okay but not great. And I think Mommy gets a lower grade than Alexander.

Dropping him off each morning was difficult. It was the first time he really cried. And when I say cried...I mean grab onto my leg, sobbing cry. There were a few other times in his other room where he'd cry for a bit but he was easily settled. This time, not so much. Ms. Mary Jo tried to read to him, walk him around, show him toys and nothing worked. He would just put his arms in my direction with his face covered in tears. And that's another thing - why don't they wipe his face??? Of course, the fridge is on the opposite side of the room where the sign in sheets are so it's not easy to make a quick getaway.

Besides the morning drop-offs, he also didn't eat all that well. He never finished his hot dogs or waffles. There was also one day where he came home with a lot more milk in his container than I would have liked.

They (his teachers) said he did well despite the rough start each morning. He was able to play with the kids, they went outside a few times, he enjoyed sitting at the table eating with the kids. He also napped on the mat on the floor without problems. Ms. Rose wrote in his school journal that once he got settled he was great and had a fun time with his kids. I'll be happy when Aidan moves up next month so he has someone his age & level to play with. Plus, it'll be a parent I'm friendly with.

From Mom's perspective - I'm hoping to get adjusted fast. I figured out the lunch bag/milk situation after 2 days. I bought him a smaller lunch bag and one bigger container & an empty cup for his milk rather than filling up 3 separate cups (which take up more room in the fridge). The daily sheet is different than the ones we've filled out before. This one I barely fill out which makes it hard for me to let them know what to feed him when. And then I read it at night and they say they gave him goldfish, strawberries, graham crackers, cheez-its. Things I know I didn't pack. Who knows where these come from.

The other thing I have to get used to is one nap a day. Alexander wakes up a lot earlier than the other kids so I really think he needs that morning nap; his mood is so much better when he has 2 naps. Plus, we're finding the 1 nap in the middle of the day to be a challenge for us during the weekends - how do we handle this? What if we have plans, will he get his nap? I have a feeling we'll really miss that morning nap.

Let's hope next week is a lot easier/better for both of us!

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