Thursday, December 4, 2008

First Time for Everything...

Last night, we ran into a situation we have yet to encounter with Alexander in his 20 months. Getting sick in his crib - we actually had to change his pj's & sheets! We've never had to do that. We've been very fortunate in the fact that Alexander never had an major incidents/accidents during the night. There may have been one or two times where I changed his damp pj's but thankfully it never leaked onto the sheets.

Last night was not that case.

At about 11:45pm, Alexander started crying. I didn't know what time it was and I was thinking it was probably around 4/4:30am. I let him cry a little bit to see if he'd calm down and go back to sleep. Dan got up a few minutes later as Alexander wasn't stopping. I think Dan's intent was to rub his back and put him back down. Turns out the poor little kid got sick. He had thrown up all over his sheet. Thankfully the majority of it ended up on the sheet and little anywhere else - nothing in his hair, just a bit on his pj top.

We don't really know why he got sick but there was certainly some left over lunch to clean up. He was in a great mood and didn't really seem upset or phased at all. In fact he seemed like he was ready to play. We were a bit worried if he would go back down. Dan changed & cleaned up Alexander while I changed the sheets and started laundry. Dan read a couple of books to him and put him back in his crib. The whole thing took about 30 minutes (thankfully) and he did actually go back to sleep - in his crib.

Keep your fingers crossed that it was a one-time situation...

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