Sunday, February 22, 2009

23 Months...

23 Months

New Words/Phrases:
-Elmosh (means multiple elmos), Rarah (Miss Sarah), Dabee (Miss Debbie), Nose, dirty, girls, please (only a few times), ocoli (for Broccoli), dudu (is vaccum), coat, hat (means either hat or Sir Topham Hat from Thomas the train), choo (pretend sneeze)

-Lower left molar broke through: total 9 teeth, improving wonderfully with going up & down with stairs, had one attempt of trying to go potty but not successfully

-Anything to do with Elmo
-Reading Books (Dr. Suess, Elmo & Thomas the Train books are the favorite)
-Playing with flash cards
-Loves singing (itsy bitsy spider, wheels on the bus, ABCs)
-Vaccum & Cleaning (wiping the floor, sweeping)
-Circle time at school (reading & singing)

dada, mama, Ahh Daa (is his word for Please), up, apple, turtle, JoJo (His teacher's name is MaryJo), Aiden (aah-den), Hi, Moo, Quack Quack, woof woof, Yah, Bye, All, done, All gone, baaaa (sheep noise), No, uhoh, baabaa, 'ruck (I think this is truck), Hat, Hot, hot dog, elbow, cup, ball, baby, pat, home, apron, tractor, knock, heart, oval, book, mine, go, papa (this is Grandpa), moon, Oh dear, Oh Boy, Come On, Night Night, Mickey, Work, Buddy, Debbie, Boo, Psst, Bus, Toor, Ouch/Grouch, Nanas, Noodle, Minnie, Poof, Milk, Ernie, Bert, Bed, Giraffe, Burp, Michael, Cook, Egg, Money, Bob, Toot, Boat, Boom, Go Now

Animal Noises:
-He knows what sounds the lion, cow, sheep, dog, duck, monkey, frog, elephant, rabbit & cat make

Sleeping (hasn't changed):
-Wakes up around 5:30-6am every day, even on weekends however he's been on a very early kick of waking a little before 5am - every day!
-Takes one nap in the afternoon, usually 2 hrs
-Asleep by 7:30pm each night (on average)

-18 Months are starting to get to be a bit too small depending on the clothes but it depends because some are too small where others are okay
-24 Months/2T for shirts, sweaters, PJs although still a bit big it's an easier fit
-Shoes: Size 5 (I'm waiting for the day where these no longer fit)
-Diapers: Pampers Size 4 Cruisers


-Loves pancakes/waffles, eggs, muffins, mini rice cakes, teddy grahams, apples (but doesn't always finish them but wants them), cheerios, goldfish, raw carrots, PB & J, hot dogs, Mac & Cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza
-Newest item: loves pickles
-Loves fruit: bananas, apples, clementines, strawberries
-Doesn't always eat well but certainly lets you know when he's hungry
-Really enjoys broccoli & green beans

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