Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Day...

Alexander had a big day today! And of course I didn't capture one moment of it on camera - next time!

  • Potty: Alexander has been practicing sitting on the potty both at school & at home. There seems to be a diaper change/potty break time where all the kids sit on the potty for practice. Well, today Alexander actually did something about it: he used the potty to go pee! Ms. Debbie was pretty excited about it when telling me & then Alexander got excited about it. He kept saying 'pee mama pee'! How exciting - Alexander is becoming a little boy very quickly!
  • Haircut: After I picked him up at school, I decided to take my chances to see if his good mood would carry over to getting his haircut. At first he was all about going to "tahhhgit" for a hotdog, but once we pulled up to the haircut place, he was super excited. We went in, he wanted help climbing into the chair, and even giggled when the hairdresser put on the robe. We brought in Monkey and he kept telling Monkey he was going to get a 'aaihcut'. She told him that she was going to spray his hair and then tickle him with the comb. He was FANTASTIC. He giggled, smiled & kept trying to tell Monkey about his haircut. Figures the one time I decide to go without a camera he's so much fun & adorably cute! The whole haircut was great, he was very cooperative, listened to her when she gave him direction, and genuinely liked sitting there. He also didn't mind the buzzer when she went to clean up the edges. A perfect haircut! And now he looks so handsome once again...

So after two big events, we went to Target for our usual hotdog & milk but afterwards went to the toy section and he picked out a little prize, a Rocket bathtub toy from the Little Einsteins (his new favorite) that he got to play with in tonight's tubby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Alexander !!

Love Mimi