Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's Potty Time...

We have entered a new phase of parenthood: Potty Training! Alexander has started to express an interest in sitting on the potty even though he has yet to actually use it. We're not going to push the potty but only when he tells us he wants to use it...we'll see how this goes!

There have been a few times where Alexander has sat on the potty at school as they are helping prep him for Potty Training but nothing happened. Yesterday, he sat on the potty again at school so sitting on the potty is fresh in his mind.

Before we left for school today Alexander wanted to go potty. Although I don't think he had to go, I figured it would be good to try it out so he doesn't feel rejected. We sat on the potty for close to 10 minutes. Sometimes he would just sit there looking at me, other times he would laugh and say potty. I was trying to show him how to hold onto the seat with one hand while using his other hand to help point himself into the bowl. He wasn't all that excited about that while he would much rather have me do it.

After a while, he tells me he's done and proceeds to get toilet paper to wipe up. He seems to have all the steps down - potty, wiping, flushing. He's not a fan of having to wash his hands but his new stool seems to be helping. He's also not a fan of having a diaper put back on. Oh well.

After school that night, he sat on the potty again but nothing happened. I guess this phase is simply getting use to sitting on the potty. I have a potty chart where he gets stickers each time he does potty-related tasks but he really didn't seem to care just we're potty training one day at a time.

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