Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today, school called to tell me that Alexander had bumps on his legs but he wasn't itchy & was in a good mood. I figured they were mosquito bites from the weekend as I was starting to get bumps show up on me too. I called the doctor and they suggested to bring him in after work since it wasn't urgent. After speaking with school again, they said he was fine & if something changed they'd call me.

I picked him up at school and he was super grouchy. Ms Amanda said he had been very cranky since he woke up from nap. He immediately cuddled on my shoulder so I knew he didn't feel well. I got him in the car (with no issues) and mentioned going to the doctor. Alexander started crying as he didn't want to go the doctor. I tried to say I had to ask a question or something else, but it didn't work. As soon as he saw the doctor's office he started crying.

We check in once inside & Alexander is miserably upset. He just keeps repeating "no doctor, home mommy". Finally I remembered I put some music on my ipod for Alexander. This helps distract him for a bit as we wait for Dr M. Then all of a sudden, Alexander starts to throw up all over the place. Okay, mainly on me. I throw my bag, ipod & phone to the floor as the 2nd upheavel goes mainly into my bag & arm. I run over to grab some tissues all while poor Alexander is in my arms throwing up again. Finally, he stops long enough that I can get him to the bathroom...and just when he stops throwing up/crying, Dr. M walks out which then get Alexander all upset again.

I clean up Alexander & myself and we go into to see Dr. M. He checks out Alexander's bumps, eyes, throat & ears. He checks his belly & back and doesn't see anything wrong. He attributes the bumps to a minor viral infection or the fact of his highly sensitive skin because the majority of the bumps have gone away. He doesn't have a fever so he suggests we just wait & see. We both think the throwing up was due to something he may not have digested well which is why he was cranky since waking up from nap. Neither of us think the throwing up was because he was so upset at the dr office because he's been a lot more upset.

Of course once we headed out he looked back and said "bye doctor" and was smiling ear to ear! He kept nodding off on the way home and once we got home he was back to his normal self. Go figure.

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